Announcement! Alert! Alert!

It’s a miracle! I have a miraculous life hack!

Let me start from the beginning.

Have y’all heard of slime? Of course you have. Anyone who has any number of children between the ages of I dunno 2 and 15??- I would guess has had slime in their home at one point or another.

Slime is the bane of my existence. Akin to kinetic sand. Just gets everywhere and in everything.

ANYWAY, my daughter really wanted some slime for Christmas, so I had to oblige because, well, Christmas. So, begrudgingly, I bought a few types and reminded my kids once again to play in a certain area, don’t walk around with it, roll sleeves up, etc etc! You know the drill!

Naturally, they found this impossible. Within a week, we had slime stains on quite a few items.

In the past, I have just thrown these things out, but this time around, something more valuable got stained, so I decided to take the extra step and put in some elbow grease.

I read a few different tutorials and decided to try the easiest one – vinegar. You just splash the slime stain with vinegar, supposedly, and after some time, you brush out the loosened slime with some kind of fabric brush. I did it, it worked, yay! This particular website also advised that if the stain has been sitting for a long time, you have to soak the entire garment in water first, then proceed with the vinegar.

This is how I stumbled upon my mind blowing discovery. After soaking one of our garments for like 2 days (don’t judge me; I’m a procrastinator), I went to rinse it out and…..uh….the slime was all gone… Just for good measure, I went ahead and rinsed and washed by hand and rinsed again. But I’m pretty sure it was already disintegrated before I did that.

So that’s the hack! Eliminate slime in clothing by soaking the clothing in water for 2 days!! (Preferably follow up with washing machine right after). That’s it!

Let me know if you already knew this and I shouldn’t be that excited. 😂


Broken Phone

So, this is a pretty painful post for me to write, but I shall push through the pain because the only way through difficult emotions is, well, through them.

Some of you may call me dramatic. And I know I try to be funny in a lot of my posts, but this one is actually on the serious side. It is actually kind of traumatic for me! My youngest obliterated my phone (after 8 years of no serious damage to any of my devices. I should have known it was coming. I even had that thought several months ago and welled up with pride at how careful my children were… HA… HAHA!). And, unfortunately, I don’t do regular back ups (though I think I’ve finally learned my lesson and will just pay for auto backups going forward). Soooo, I lost all my info. What I really got distressed about was the calendar because I keep that thing very close to me. I write EVERYTHING in it. All the separate school and sports details of my 3 kids, my work schedule details, my hangouts with friends details, doctors appointments, and other little random reminders and obligations. So, for a few days, I had to do everything the old fashioned way and call everyone up (on another phone obviously) and double check everything and write it all down with an actual paper and pen (whoa…..). I got flashbacks of my high school, planner days. I even had to look up directions on my computer on more than one occasion and print them out or write them out. More notably, one time I asked a friend for directions because I wasn’t at home and thankfully, he was familiar with street names and highway names (not a lot of people are nowadays; at least like millennials and below). I had one blip and had to park at a car dealership and walk in and ask how to get back to 21 South which, luckily, an older fella knew how to explain. He looked proud of himself.

I was also distraught because of my phone contacts. I’ve saved those up for like 10 years! I have so many important people in there! And I was stressed out at the thought of my friends texting and/or calling and not getting responses and thinking I was ignoring them (I have like a 99% response rate on my texts. Phone calls- ehhh 90% percent? That I’ll call back. Not sure how many days it takes though. I’m not as diligent with calls as with texts.)

But the main thing above everything else that just knocked the wind out of me was… my pictures and videos!! Did you guess? Sigh. I mean. It’s still hard for me to talk about and this was 5 days ago. I don’t know what it is; I just… Well, I can try to unpack it. I probably know what it is. I think I attach feelings of love, affection, joy, compassion to my pictures. But I also attach fear, because deep down, I am saddened and afraidened (yes, I made up that word) at the thought of losing my children’s childhoods (say that 3 times fast). Like, how can you lose a childhood? Well, you don’t, but the childhoods pass. They’re grown out of; they’re left behind. And then all you have, presumably, is the memories. And the pictures and videos!!

So I forced myself to think about the days of old. The days of no pictures. How did they LIVE?!!! Like not seriously, but seriously. If I think about it long enough, it makes me happy. They just lived in the moment. Soaked every breath and step and twirl of a dress in. Every giggle, every spill, every Mbappe celebration slide (of course it was someone else back then). They didn’t have a choice. But did they miss out? Nah, I don’t think so. They had the memories: the important things. Or we go forward a few years and people had a few cameras. So they had a few pictures. And they really, really treasured those pictures. Those pictures gave them life. A million memories and complex emotions can be evoked looking at one picture.

I’ll leave you with this. Live your life, laugh with the people you love, cherish every moment as if you’ll lose all your photos and videos tomorrow.

Thanks for recomposing with me! ❤️

Wannabe Fashion Blogger Post

Hi, hi! Just thought I’d try my hand at a fashion post! For funzies!

So, I went out on a limb and bought some trendy(ish) stuff. Stuff it looks like the cool kids are wearing these days. Definitely out of my comfort zone. Honestly, I haven’t spent time consistently putting time and effort into dressing nicely in… let’s see, how old is my first child… oh, yes, 10 years! So, I have a lot of catching up to do. And this post, I thought, was a fun way to try to get my foot in the door.

I am feeling 50/50 on the earrings because to me they’re too small, but, I recognize that I haven’t actually known what was “cool” in a long time, so, by going against my instinct, I may actually have a better chance of landing on something that actually works. Also, they were a gift from my dad, so I will wear them to the end of time no matter what.

Heeeeeere’s the final product! High waisted straight jeans, crop top/crop hoodie (the croppiest I’ll ever go, anyway. I’ve had 3 kids, people. Trust me, it’s better this way.). Threw on a cap when I went outside in the sun.

Whatcha think?

This morning

I just need to announce to the world that I cleared out the entire front half of my car this morning while sitting at a stop light!!! Tossed the trash bag on my way to work.

Yes, this is the kind of thing I get excited about.

And yes, my friend (you know who you are), I’m counting this as a blog post 😛

*Edit* I should add for my childless friends that the reason this is a big deal is that my car was basically a rolling trash can. There’s always garbage on the floor of my car, more so now that NJ implemented the plastic bag ban and I have no convenient way of throwing my kids’ messes out. I clean and vacuum, and then it’ll be back to its usual state in maybe 3 days. Such is life.


Can I just toot my own horn for a little bit? I f*cking nailed parenting today. Well, most of the day was run-of-the-mill and unremarkable, but let’s zero in on one specific experience. 

My eldest, who is now 10, is entering his preteen years and has his share of mood swings and passionate, demanding moments. He often fixates on some particular item and begs and pleads ’til his lungs give out for us to get it for him. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t. But damn, it is hella hard. I guess it’s a combination of his personality and the fact that he’s my first born, but I notice (and I’ve had others notice) that he has a certain hold on me. Not that he has me wrapped around his finger, but that he really pulls on my heartstrings in many ways. I love him immensely, intensely, fervently and he also knows exactly how to push all my buttons and get on my very last nerve. He “triggers” me in some ways. 

This time around, what T decided he HAD to have was dyed hair. He was completely fixated. He got how he gets. Begging, pleading, pushing, prodding. It started gently and then increased gradually in intensity. I endured a whole day and by last night, I was ready to explode. I shushed, I argued, I yelled. Finally, I said, “I will THINK about it! Just stop asking! I will THINK about it!” and I proceeded to read articles to him about the consensus on kids dying their hair. Health risks mainly. He fell asleep still desperate and all worked up. He dreamed about dying his hair.

I told him we’d go to a salon and inquire. Four main questions: What types of dye do you offer? Are they safe for kids? How much does it cost? How long does it last? He reminded me about 50 times. 

Tonight, we returned from the hair salon after hearing that for my son to achieve light blue hair, he has to bleach it first (he has black hair); there’s no way around it. I decided it was a firm no.

Let me tell you, it took all the strength I had in my body to finally utter a flat “No.” This boy looked like his whole world had burst into flames and was crumbling down around him. He howled like a wolf at the moon. He cried a hundred thousand tears, flailed his body, threw punches (at a pillow). I was very proud – he didn’t try to strike me once. My sweet, adorable biggest baby was red as a beet, face drenched, gasping for air. And yet, I stood my ground. I sat with him quietly and calmly. I let him cry for 30 minutes and I just stayed with him, occasionally patting his back or stroking his arm. This was the kind of thing I’d read about. Stay by your child’s side through the despair. Get in the trenches with them, sit in the sadness. It was a simple instance, but it symbolizes more. I feel like it was practice for me (for us) for when it’s something bigger, darker, scarier.

I calmly and quietly explained my reasoning (health and religious standpoint). Once he calmed down a little bit, I gently offered some advice. I suggested he tell me some other things he’s wanting and we see if there’s something else that would be allowable and possible. He said 1) phone 2) PC 3) trip to Europe to watch a soccer game 4) TV in his room. We talked about each of these and ruled them out for different reasons. After some final pouting, he was quiet and reflective. I said “How about this? How about free screens for the rest of today?” He perked up and he said, “Yes, oh, wait, no, I want FIFA stickers”. I replied playfully, “How about both?” He beamed. That smile made my heart, my throat and my eyes well up. Relief washed over me and my sweet boy.

I felt like the author of a best selling parenting book. I had stood my ground, remained calm, provided emotional support, and offered compromise. I set clear limits, but acknowledged and named his feelings. I showed compassion and respect; I mirrored correct behavior.

So, I’m feeling pretty kick a** right now!!! Thank God there are some moments like these. Feel free to share with me a recent parenting win you’ve had!

(Written 1/14/23 8 pm)


I took a shower by myself today.

That merits a blog post right?! Can I get an AMEN?! That’s big!! (How many showers have we taken with our kiddos amiright?)

Ok to clarify, I have taken lots of showers alone, but what I mean is that this shower was a kind of “normal” shower like the showers of the olden days- without any interruptions (did get a couple minor knocks and questions).

My kids are growing up!! Ahh!! It’s happening!! Time is slipping through my fingers… slowly, but surely, they’re becoming more independent and able to entertain themselves, fighting less, cooperating more. My littlest started full time school!! I’m one of those moms with all her kids in school now! The time has finally come. It’s very bittersweet!

All in all, I’m feeling good and lucky and blessed. Hope you guys are too!

The Perfect Life

I kind of had this low key Epiphone recently and I figured I’d write about it. If someone were to ask you to paint a picture for them of your perfect life, what would you say? What does A Perfect Life look like to you? (Serious question for anyone who cares to answer. Feel free to comment.)

I thought for a while about this. I realized that at this stage in my life, being who I am now, I believe a perfect life can look like a lot of different things. There’s no one type of perfect life. You can make something perfect out of all kinds of circumstances.

At the center of it all, at the foundation, the bare bones for me would be good relationships. A husband and wife who feel comfortable with each other, supported by each other, who feel free to be themselves without harsh judgement. A couple who has the qualities of understanding, patience, appreciation of the other, always trying to see from the other’s viewpoint. A couple who knows how to communicate and cooperate and work as a team. This doesn’t mean they don’t have disagreements or even downright nasty fights that last for weeks. It just means that they have some tools they know how to use to get back to a place of understanding and acceptance of each other. Maybe they learn these tools on their own, maybe through advice of friends and family and mentors, and maybe through professional therapy. All equally valid and respectable routes.

My perfect life also looks like kids who love each other and support and protect each other. And this takes time! The journey towards that goal -most likely reached in adulthood- is also a beautiful process. The steps along the way -the grabbing and the pushing and the shoving and the crying, the new sibling blues, the Me Me Me syndrome, the sibling rivalry- they’re necessary and we don’t need to be afraid of them. That’s where they learn. Altercations are not a sign that anything is wrong. People need to have experiences in order to know how to compromise, cooperate, correct their mistakes. How to reach out for help and how to lend a helping hand to another. That’s all a part of life.

If I could confidently say I have those two things, that would be Heaven on Earth. That’s true happiness. Now, those are the important things. The rest is details! I’d love a big, new, clean brick house with hardwood floors – not really that big, though, actually. 4 bedrooms or maybe 5 max. Couple bathrooms. A big yard! I want a little garden with tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers. I want to raise chickens. I want a little rose garden. A safe neighborhood. A good school system for my kids would be great! I’m trying not to be too picky because a Wise Man told me you can’t have everything. I think he’s right. I’m reminded of this awesome quote I used to love when I was in college: “If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” – Lemony Snicket (of all people)! I feel like we could also transpose this to “If we wait until it’s perfect, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

So, my conclusion is that if I go by what I just described as the foundation of a perfect life, if I’m really honest, I’m pretty close. Ask me again how I feel next week! Lord knows how moody I am. But seriously, all things considered, I almost have a perfect life. Almost. 😉

DIY Hair Trim!

Hey, guys. I just thought I’d try cutting my own hair because it might be fun! Also, I have really “easy” hair that’s just straight and long, so. Plus, life hack for saving some serious money right! I would be down at least $25 or $35 right now if I had not cut my hair at home just now. And if I do this for the next 10 years, that’s $500-$700!

First off, credit where credit is due! I used this video as my guideline/inspiration. I only did the second part because I only wanted a minor trim to freshen up and cut off dead ends. Cut Your Own Hair video

Now, on to my super professional tutorial/review thing!

I simply parted all my hair straight down the middle and separated it onto my right shoulder and left shoulder. Then, I separated each chunk of hair into two chunks and tied them with hair elastics. Then, I took my hair cutting scissors (you can find them online or at any beauty supply store. Probably drug stores too.) and did a straight right angle snip snip snip here and there to the tips- about an inch. I definitely had a good deal of hairs that were longer than the rest, so it was obvious where I needed to cut (back when I last cut it at the salon, I had had layers done). This was definitely easy. But, you’ll be able to see why. I barely cut off anything.

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…. VOILA! The before and after photos!

Amazing, right? Nah, be honest, you can’t even tell a difference. Here’s a picture of my sink down below as proof that I did do something. Cutting of hairs did occur.

One tip I have for doing this cut is to try to have a 4 year old handy. He’ll just make it that much more of a healthy, character building challenge (sporadic light switching, pulls, prods and tickles, and important questions that must be answered immediately.) Haircuts come out much better when you’re kept on your toes and you really have to work for them. You’ll feel really accomplished afterwards.

And that’s a wrap! Go try itchoself!

To Parents of Littles

If you’re like me, you’re tired. A lot. Three youngins (or two or four or however many you have) pulling, pushing, prodding in different directions all day, every day is exhausting. Though you love them. Of course you love them.

Let’s imagine for a moment that we were in another stage, another time, another reality. Imagine we lived through 10, 20, 30 more years. We had different surroundings, different struggles, different lives. And one day, in the middle of our day to day hustle and bustle with teenagers, or our back and forth with college students, or our empty nesting, or our splendid, quiet and still retirement, we suddenly longed for days gone by. For 30, 20, 10 years prior, when things were completely different. When we were overwhelmed, yet full of hope for our tiny, little people.

Imagine we were given a chance – time machine, genie, fairy, your pick – to go back. To our disbelief, we found ourselves back in the days of youngins. Of squeals and giggles and messes and splashes. And we got to hold those pudgy little hands, those warm, round bellies. We were given the gift of once again looking into those wide, wild, wonder-filled eyes. We breathed in their sweet skin again, gave them high fives again, held them close to our chests again. And we felt so, so blessed. So honored and privileged. To be experiencing all this.

Let’s play pretend and live like that today. Just for fun 🙂