The Perfect Life

I kind of had this low key Epiphone recently and I figured I’d write about it. If someone were to ask you to paint a picture for them of your perfect life, what would you say? What does A Perfect Life look like to you? (Serious question for anyone who cares to answer. Feel free to comment.)

I thought for a while about this. I realized that at this stage in my life, being who I am now, I believe a perfect life can look like a lot of different things. There’s no one type of perfect life. You can make something perfect out of all kinds of circumstances.

At the center of it all, at the foundation, the bare bones for me would be good relationships. A husband and wife who feel comfortable with each other, supported by each other, who feel free to be themselves without harsh judgement. A couple who has the qualities of understanding, patience, appreciation of the other, always trying to see from the other’s viewpoint. A couple who knows how to communicate and cooperate and work as a team. This doesn’t mean they don’t have disagreements or even downright nasty fights that last for weeks. It just means that they have some tools they know how to use to get back to a place of understanding and acceptance of each other. Maybe they learn these tools on their own, maybe through advice of friends and family and mentors, and maybe through professional therapy. All equally valid and respectable routes.

My perfect life also looks like kids who love each other and support and protect each other. And this takes time! The journey towards that goal -most likely reached in adulthood- is also a beautiful process. The steps along the way -the grabbing and the pushing and the shoving and the crying, the new sibling blues, the Me Me Me syndrome, the sibling rivalry- they’re necessary and we don’t need to be afraid of them. That’s where they learn. Altercations are not a sign that anything is wrong. People need to have experiences in order to know how to compromise, cooperate, correct their mistakes. How to reach out for help and how to lend a helping hand to another. That’s all a part of life.

If I could confidently say I have those two things, that would be Heaven on Earth. That’s true happiness. Now, those are the important things. The rest is details! I’d love a big, new, clean brick house with hardwood floors – not really that big, though, actually. 4 bedrooms or maybe 5 max. Couple bathrooms. A big yard! I want a little garden with tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers. I want to raise chickens. I want a little rose garden. A safe neighborhood. A good school system for my kids would be great! I’m trying not to be too picky because a Wise Man told me you can’t have everything. I think he’s right. I’m reminded of this awesome quote I used to love when I was in college: “If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” – Lemony Snicket (of all people)! I feel like we could also transpose this to “If we wait until it’s perfect, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

So, my conclusion is that if I go by what I just described as the foundation of a perfect life, if I’m really honest, I’m pretty close. Ask me again how I feel next week! Lord knows how moody I am. But seriously, all things considered, I almost have a perfect life. Almost. 😉

Modern Day Kids…

6 year old daughter: Umma, can you play with me with my Barbie Dream House?

Umma tries and fails because the boys try to join and upset daughter.

Daughter screaming: Umma can you play with me!!

Umma: Y, I’m trying to play with you, but the problem is that both of your brothers are trying to play, too, and you don’t want them to. You’re screaming and whining. So, now, in order for you to play with your Dream House, I have to occupy the boys and keep them away from you. I’m the only one here. I only have one body and now I’m using it to be with the boys. You can play by yourself.

Daughter: Why don’t you just hire someone?!

Hahahahaha I never saw that one coming… She presents a perfectly valid option I admit.

Share some funny kid quotes with me! And have a beautiful day 😊

More Confessions of a Tired Mom

This post is a follow up to my first Confessions of a Tired Mom post which you can find here if you’re interested! 

A few more things I never imagined I’d say. Cheers to my 3 kiddos for gracing me with all these choice memories… 

1. I’ve wiped my kids’ snot on my shirt more times than I can count.

2. I’ve wiped my own snot on my shirt one too many times…

3. I’ve wiped (goodness, parenting is just FULL of wiping, isn’t it??) spaghetti sauce, cheese sauce, smashed ants, cereal crumbs, rice, bacon grease, and a plethora of other delightful substances on whatever t-shirt I was wearing at the time. Who has time to go rummaging around for tissues?!

4. Occasionally, I will reply an enthusiastic “uh huh” to an offspring even if I haven’t heard the question…

5. I’ve absentmindedly licked what I thought was chocolate off my finger only to find the taste unexpectedly unpleasant and bitter… so I replayed my morning trying to figure out what brown food I had eaten that morning and nearly had a heart attack when I realized all I had done that morning was… changed my daughter’s diaper… #cringe

6. I have finished off an entire tub of ice cream (I would like to say this was when I was pregnant, but it wasn’t) because you can’t just leave these things out in a home full of children! We can’t have them getting into it, now can we? This stuff isn’t healthy for them! I’ll sacrifice for them; anything for the children.

7. I often allow my children to make a total mess (mess is play and play is learning, right? Trust me; I’m a teacher. *wink emoji*) of my old miscellaneous notebooks, jewelry, address labels, etc because I actually consider it being put to good use. After all, it’s just been sitting around collecting dust for 10 years. If they enjoy it and get something out of it, more power to them! Also, if it keeps them quiet for 10 minutes…

8. I’ve turned over on my pillow to look the other way while my children helped themselves to fruit gummies for breakfast.

9. I have transferred sleeping kids from the car straight into the bed- dirty clothes, unbrushed teeth, unwashed hands (First thing in the morning, I swear! I know- Corona!) and all… “Don’t wake a sleeping child” is a cardinal rule for me… Who wants to go through the whole routine and get them back down again at 11 pm??

10. At long last, I have finally become a frozen food mom… I held out for a reeeeeally long time and I’m so proud! But, those days are over…

11. Also become a bottled water mom… despite my son’s teacher’s disapproving comments (sorry! These little short cuts make all the difference!)

12. I’ve swooped in and caught my daughter’s poop in my hand in the nick of time! Ughhhhh potty training is the worst. (I’m on number 3 now; never had the chance to intentionally catch this one’s poop, but he has so kindly handed me a warm, fresh turd a couple times himself! *hand over face emoji*)

13. Sometimes, I lock myself in the bathroom just to eat chocolate or check my texts in peace for 5 minutes.

14. I’ve looked the other way while my children flooded the bathroom during bath time because at least they were having fun and getting along… Thought to myself, Eh, I have fifteen towels I can use when they’re done.

15. Speaking of towels, I have thrown a towel over a pee accident in the middle of the night and went back to bed. I’ll deal with it in the morning… Out of sight, out of mind, right? 

16. I will occasionally give in to pleads for a THIRD ice cream in order to keep my kids quiet for 10 more minutes while I finish an important call (like with my best friend to recount the details of last night’s episode of… just kidding! Work calls.)

17. When I’m exceptionally tired, instead of doing actual cleaning, I’ll just shove all the toys to the sides of the room to make space for the bedding (we sleep on the floor because we’re Korean). 

18. I count reeeeeeeally slowly during Hide-and-Seek, then go for about 3 minutes shouting, “Not here… oh, not here… hm, let me see…” while I lean on my counter and continue eating chocolate and checking my texts for 5 more glorious minutes. Or, sometimes, I even squeeze in a power nap!

19. Occasionally,  I will leave the wet clothes out of the washer in the basket over night because I don’t have the energy to hang it all.

Ok, this is taking a turn for the worse, so I think I should stop here! I hope this brought out a few knowing nods and chuckles and that no one will report me to anyone.

Comment if you can relate to any! Good night!


T is so obsessed with me, he fell asleep clinging to my foot last night.

Bahaha let me explain. Every night, I put all 3 kids to sleep at once in the same room. After about an hour of repeating orders to brush teeth and change, stay in the bedroom, and clear the toys off the bed; and yelling “That’s the LAST drink of water!” and “Stop pushing/climbing/talking” or whatever it may be, I turn off the light, W screams at me that he wants to do it, I turn it back on and let him turn it back off, and THEN! FINALLY! We start to settle.

Everyone wants to be next to me. They all want to hold my hand, they all want me to rub or pat them. W recently decided he also needs me to be sitting, not lying (Great, just what I need). If you can imagine….this is physically impossible!!! I have two sides! I have two hands! (I told T I’m going to ask Santa for 10 extra hands this Christmas).

T, being the oldest, is the most patient and cooperative at bedtime, thank God. I’m super grateful to him. He still asks me to be with him, but nicely, and he’s willing to wait. So, I have to keep reassuring him and tell him that I’m sorry, but he has to wait until either Y or W is asleep and then I’ll have a free hand for him to hold.

Welp! Last night, he couldn’t wait. I jokingly asked if he wanted to hold my foot. He grabbed it without batting an eye. Totally normal. He held it contentedly until he fell asleep. Ahaha really warmed my heart though. How sweet is he?

A solid 6

Eldest son: Umma, what does “a solid 6” mean?

Umma: Solid is kind of like “exactly”. For example, you can say a solid 6 hours. You slept a solid 6 hours.

Son: No, I mean PanPan said he’s a solid 6.

Umma: Huh? … Ohh… you can also kind of rate someone on a scale of 1 to 10. Rate how attractive and cool they are. 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest. 5 is in the middle, so medium attractive. So, PanPan is just a little more than medium.

Ace: Oh. Am I a 10?

Umma: *melts* Of course you are (hahaha…)